Today, Pat Madigan who is CEO of Edmund Rice International Heritage Centre volunteered to open up today's reflection. Firstly, Pat Madigan read a poem It will take people.
At the end of the reflection Pat Madigan thanked all the women at the reflection as we are mothers or mothers to be.
It will take people
Prophet people who dare to lay bare the fallacies that choke and bind us;
Parent people who look with love at the work of their creation and refuse to leave their children only a heritage of destruction;
Nurture people who grow plants and feed birds and love what is green, fresh and growing;
Healing people whose bands touch others into life and well-being;
Poet people who call us beyond where we are;
Fun people whose role through time has been to nurture, to empower others, to make grow, to make new again.
Soul people whose eyes are clear and open, inviting trust and the kind of bonding that draws us together;
Justice people who cry out against the oppressors of people and the destroyers of the earth;
Little people who don't know themselves as special but who are the salt of the earth.
It will take people; Spirit people fired with a holy madness who believe our world can be transformed into a place of joy and hope and love.
After the poem was read, Pat Madigan spoke of the importance of each person and each employee and volunteer in ERIHC.
Today's question was Who inspired you?
Melissa noted that her mother is important to her, because of her she is here. Br Phil Ryan mentioned his uncle, who had a very difficult life. Paedar also mentioned his aunt who had a tough life, never complained and always did good things to people around her.
At the end of the reflection Pat Madigan thanked all the women at the reflection as we are mothers or mothers to be.
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